Friday, April 3, 2009

Grace in small things #5

1. Warm sun on a chilly spring day.

2. Hershey's Hugs. I love those things to an inappropriate level.

3. Letting the tears fall when they come. It's good for me.

4. Feeling my hair slide across my neck. I am so glad that two years ago I decided to grow it out and stuck with it. Another few months and it will be the length I want.

5. Hearing the pre-school kids next door shriek and laugh while they are playing outside. Taking a moment to turn around and watch them.


  1. These posts always make me pause for a moment to appreciate the small things around me that I sometimes forget to take pleasure in.

    And I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves Hershey's anything to an inappropriate level. ;)


  2. Heh, loving chocolate on "an inappropriate level" - love it!
