Just the other days, it occurred to me that I hadn't seen a good meme in a while. You know I love a meme. Just found this one over at Emily's spot, and it's a goody.
Available or married? Available
Best Friend? Mary Alice...I really need to blog about her one of these days. Maybe after we get back from the beach.
Cake or Pie? Cake. Unless it's rhubarb pie. But definitely cake.
Drink of choice? diet Pepsi
Essential item for every day use? Deoderant
Favorite color? Green
Google? "I gurgled it." Excellent quote from "Acceptance," a not-so-excellent, made-for-TV movie starring the usually-awesome Joan Cusack. (how 'bout those hyphens, huh??)
Hometown? Champaign, Illinois
Indulgences? Books, Starbuck's Java Chip ice cream, McD sweet tea, "Beautiful" perfume
January or February? February
Kids and their names? Zero
Life is incomplete without? Love in all its forms.
Marriage date? TBD
Number of siblings? Two
Oranges or apples? This time of year it's apples.
Phobias and fears? June bugs. *shudder*
Quote for the day? "For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and self-control." 2 Timothy 1:7
Reason to smile? The earthquake was mighty last night but my world did not crumble.
Season? Summer
Tag 3 people? It seems to be au courant to not tag, so I'm going with the flow.
Unknown fact about me? Just a few days ago, I thought of something unusual about me...but now I can't remember. Maybe it wasn't that unusual after all.
Vegetable you hate? Brussels sprouts
Worst habit? overanalyzing
X-rays you’ve had? Ummm... not the hands or arms, how's that?
Your fave food? Potatoes
Zodiac sign? Aquarius
So no june bugs for you, eh? Great list!
ReplyDeleteMary Alice? From Ace of Cakes?! :)
ReplyDeleteKnock on wood, I've never had an x-ray.
ReplyDeleteI'm very glad you wear deoderant!
ReplyDeleteMary Alice